The institution, Anuradha Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya, is a premier institute of teacher training providing quality education to the girls with a noble mission to pursue excellence in the gamut of Teacher Education.Virtually, education is the key which open the doors of wisdom of human mind who always craves for a achieving excellence in the walk of life in order to generate the spirit of devotion to the cause of humanity among the students, We are trying to adopt moral and academic Principle as of teaching through professional skills and scientific techniques at our college. We are hopeful that on students after the completion of their B.Ed degree course from this college, will prove their worth as trained teachers in the development of our nation for the cause of humanity. Apart from this, college provides a forum of interactions, to complement the potential and aspirations of the young teacher trainees by exposing them to the external gamut of the society. No doubt, the college in the yester years has been successful in providing strong impetus for boosting characteristic élan in its teacher trainees to the greater extent.
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The institution, Anuradha Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya, is a premier institute of teacher training providing quality education to the girls with a noble mission to pursue excellence in the gamut of Teacher Education.Virtually, education is the key which open the doors of wisdom of human mind who always craves for a achieving excellence in the walk of life in order to generate the spirit of devotion to the cause of humanity among the students, We are trying to adopt moral and academic Principle as of teaching through professional skills and scientific techniques at our college. We are hopeful that on students after the completion of their B.Ed degree course from this college, will prove their worth as trained teachers in the development of our nation for the cause of humanity.
Apart from this, college provides a forum of interactions, to complement the potential and aspirations of the young teacher trainees by exposing them to the external gamut of the society. No doubt, the college in the yester years has been successful in providing strong impetus for boosting characteristic élan in its teacher trainees to the greater extent.
Today, in this world of Human Affairs we find Education is one of the important sources in the enrichment of human mind for achieving excellence in various fields as it lays emphasis on the development of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of human life. Especially, when the whole world has become couscous about the fundamental worth and dignity of a woman in human society, untiring, efforts are being made for the Enlistment of woman education. Which with ultimately cultivate social, moral and spiritual values in children. Teachers are nation builders who play an active role as facilitators for social transformation.With this object in view, our college has come forward to play an effective role to impart education in much a manner which will grow the spirit of devotion among the students to the course of humanity in order to prove their worth as professional teachers.
To Provide quality education for Girls.
To prepare teacher for new millennium.
To Provide esuriently and caring environment to the students.
To improve their pronunciation, fluency and conversational language ability by language lab.
By the team of well qualified dedicated and capable teachers we educate the students and try to improve physical, psychological, social & spiritual entity of trainee teachers.
To enhance the knowledge of the students by technological and computer lab.
To improve teaching skills of a teacher/ pupil teacher by micro teaching, lesson plan, unit plan and annual plan.
Conducting psychological tests and case study, they can improve their teaching behavior.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nulla ante, ornare id facilisis nec, condimentum sed velit. Praesent id imperdiet sem.
LEARN FROM HOME Vestibulum in tellus vestibulum efficitur neque non.
GREAT SUPPORT Vestibulum in tellus vestibulum efficitur neque non.
CERTIFIED FACULTY Vestibulum in tellus vestibulum efficitur neque non.
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Continue building numerous of at relation in margaret. Lasted engage roused mother an am at. Other early while if by do to. Missed living excuse as be. Cause heard fat above first time achivement.
Continue building numerous of at relation in margaret. Lasted engage roused mother an am at. Other early while if by do to. Missed living excuse as be. Cause heard fat above first time achivement.
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Read MoreWooded ladies she basket season age her uneasy saw. Discourse unwilling am no described dejection incommode.
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